of all, I'd like to thank everyone that still checked
the site daily for updates while I was and still am
waiting for the Botcon pics. Good work. We're ever
so close to 10,000 hits.
from the 80s are rediculously great. They use words
like "rad" and "tubular" and it's
things of that ilk that somehow, in that wierd sort
of way, that makes nearly everyone ask, "What
the hell were advertising agencies thinking back then?".
Usually starring the most freaky kids ever, these
commercials successfully vyed for our parents money
day in and day out. Parents of every walk of life
would change the channel as soon as a commercial came
on. Let's face it, it's easier to deal with a crying
kid (candy) because you tuned away from the Transformers
than to work overtime just because you went out and
actually bought the entire Autobot fleet for your
little brat (plus, he'd probably take everything out
of the box, that little bastard).

we're going to take a look at the very first Legend
of Zelda commercial. Now, as big as the NES was in
our household, for some reason, somehow, the only
Legend of Zelda I've ever been privy to besides this
commercial was the cartoon shown every Friday on the
Super Mario Bros. Super Show.
commercial stars to guys just in love with thier Nintendo.
INTERESTING FACT: When I was in the second
grade there was a huge debate as to whether or not
Nintendo was pronounced "Nintendo" or "Intendo"
with a silent N. Of course, kids are stupid. Plus
it gave us an idea for a really crappy super-hero
that just intends to do good, INTENDO! Kid #1
is your stereo-typical nerd with glasses thicker than
his wrist. His job is to inform Kid #2 about this
hot new game, The Legend of Zelda. Kid #2 beat the
crap out of Kid #1 after the commercial shoot for
being such a dork.
receiving the information that the Legend of Zelda
is indeed the game to have, Kid #2 busts out into
a rap that only a kid from the 80s could provide,
ryhming and rapping his way into our hearts and minds
for 15 minutes. "It's the legend of Zelda and
it's really rad!". Well, shit! I guess
I missed out. Maybe that's why all the kids kicked
me in 3rd grade. They knew I wasn't *gasp* really

ending of the commercial is the best. The announcer
delivers two blows. One: Your parents MUST
help you hook up your NES. No ifs, ands, or buts about
it because as we all know, little kids have a tendancy
to 'hook things up' to there noses and digestive tracts.
Two: If you were thinking that you were going to get
the Legend of Zelda with your new NES, think again.
It's sold seperately.